Otázka od: Jan Fiala [work]
30. 10. 2002 9:30
jsem uplne zoufaly s nastavenim WinXP Prof. Potreboval bych ladit ISAPI
knihovnu a nemuzu to nastavit. V napovede delphi je nastaveni a IIS4 nebo
vyssi pro NT. Udelal jsem vse dle napovedy s tim rozdilem, ze cestak
inetinfo.exe neni winnt ale windows. Opravil jsem vsechny ty registry a iis
prestal fungovat uplne. Donkonce jsem si stahl nekde z internetu registry,
ktere to nastavi automaticky a vysledek je stale stejny. Jediny problem,
ktery me napada je, ze do windows se hlasim jako uzivatel domeny. taky
docela dobre nerozumim, kde a co mam nastavit v nize uvedenem bode 2?
Dik za kadou radu, uz se tim zabyvam 3 dny 
prikladam navod, dle ktereho jsem se snazil nastavit IIS
How to debug an ISAPI DLL with Delphi under NT 4.0 with IIS version 4
1. Make sure that the user name you use to do all your developing with for
WinNT, has Administrator rights. You need to add some settings to the user,
and in order to do so the user must have Administrator rights.
2. Run the User manager for the user that is going to do the debugging.
Start | Programs | Administrative Tools (Common) | User Manager. On the Menu
bar select Policies | User Rights. Make sure the Show Advanced User Rights
box is checked. Hit the down arrow and scroll through the listing of the
different Rights, you should see what you need to add.
Give this user the following permissions:
Log on as a Service ???????
Act as part of the operating system ???????
Generate security audits ???????
3. You will need IIS to run as a process instead of a service. To do this
run the registry file labeled: Regproc.reg. This file will make the
necessary changes to you registry that makes IIS run as a process. The other
registry file: Regserv.reg, will undo the changes made by the previous
registry file.
Run as a Process: Regproc.reg (to be able to debug run this one)
Run as a Service: Regserv.reg (this will undo the previous reg setting)
4. Now stop these services and set them to manual: WWW publishing service,
FTP Service and IIS Admin.
5. Restart your computer.
6. Open Delphi and from the menu bar, select Project | Options -> Linker and
select Use Include remote debugger symbols option.
7. Now in Delphi, open the DLL project and use the following parameters:
Run: C:\Winnt\system32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
Parameters: -e w3svc
Odpovedá: Jan Fiala [work]
30. 10. 2002 11:15
Problem zrejme bude v tom, ze kdyz zmenim v servicech ucet pro prohlaseni ze
systemoveho na sebe, tak prestane IIS fungovat(jeste jsem vubec nenastavoval
registry). Menim to u sluzeb Publikovani na webu a Sprava sluzby IIS. Po
restartovani IIS prestane chodit lokalni web
ikdyz konzole IIS hlasi, ze
Nemate s timhle nekdo zkusenost? co delam spatne?
-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Jan Fiala [work]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9:27 AM
To: Delphi-L
Subject: ISAPI a XP
jsem uplne zoufaly s nastavenim WinXP Prof. Potreboval bych ladit ISAPI
knihovnu a nemuzu to nastavit. V napovede delphi je nastaveni a IIS4 nebo
vyssi pro NT. Udelal jsem vse dle napovedy s tim rozdilem, ze cestak
inetinfo.exe neni winnt ale windows. Opravil jsem vsechny ty registry a iis
prestal fungovat uplne. Donkonce jsem si stahl nekde z internetu registry,
ktere to nastavi automaticky a vysledek je stale stejny. Jediny problem,
ktery me napada je, ze do windows se hlasim jako uzivatel domeny. taky
docela dobre nerozumim, kde a co mam nastavit v nize uvedenem bode 2?
Dik za kadou radu, uz se tim zabyvam 3 dny 
prikladam navod, dle ktereho jsem se snazil nastavit IIS
How to debug an ISAPI DLL with Delphi under NT 4.0 with IIS version 4
1. Make sure that the user name you use to do all your developing with for
WinNT, has Administrator rights. You need to add some settings to the user,
and in order to do so the user must have Administrator rights.
2. Run the User manager for the user that is going to do the debugging.
Start | Programs | Administrative Tools (Common) | User Manager. On the Menu
bar select Policies | User Rights. Make sure the Show Advanced User Rights
box is checked. Hit the down arrow and scroll through the listing of the
different Rights, you should see what you need to add.
Give this user the following permissions:
Log on as a Service ???????
Act as part of the operating system ???????
Generate security audits ???????
3. You will need IIS to run as a process instead of a service. To do this
run the registry file labeled: Regproc.reg. This file will make the
necessary changes to you registry that makes IIS run as a process. The other
registry file: Regserv.reg, will undo the changes made by the previous
registry file.
Run as a Process: Regproc.reg (to be able to debug run this one)
Run as a Service: Regserv.reg (this will undo the previous reg setting)
4. Now stop these services and set them to manual: WWW publishing service,
FTP Service and IIS Admin.
5. Restart your computer.
6. Open Delphi and from the menu bar, select Project | Options -> Linker and
select Use Include remote debugger symbols option.
7. Now in Delphi, open the DLL project and use the following parameters:
Run: C:\Winnt\system32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
Parameters: -e w3svc
Odpovedá: Jan Fiala [work]
31. 10. 2002 8:58
Mohl bych Vas poprosit o zaslani casti napovedy z D7. Jedna se o napovedu z
restriku ISAPI applications, debugging. U D6 zrejme nemeli zpracovane WinXP
a da se predpokladat, ze v D7 to bude. Dik.
-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Jan Fiala [work]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9:27 AM
To: Delphi-L
Subject: ISAPI a XP
jsem uplne zoufaly s nastavenim WinXP Prof. Potreboval bych ladit ISAPI
knihovnu a nemuzu to nastavit. V napovede delphi je nastaveni a IIS4 nebo
vyssi pro NT. Udelal jsem vse dle napovedy s tim rozdilem, ze cestak
inetinfo.exe neni winnt ale windows. Opravil jsem vsechny ty registry a iis
prestal fungovat uplne. Donkonce jsem si stahl nekde z internetu registry,
ktere to nastavi automaticky a vysledek je stale stejny. Jediny problem,
ktery me napada je, ze do windows se hlasim jako uzivatel domeny. taky
docela dobre nerozumim, kde a co mam nastavit v nize uvedenem bode 2?
Dik za kadou radu, uz se tim zabyvam 3 dny 
prikladam navod, dle ktereho jsem se snazil nastavit IIS
How to debug an ISAPI DLL with Delphi under NT 4.0 with IIS version 4
1. Make sure that the user name you use to do all your developing with for
WinNT, has Administrator rights. You need to add some settings to the user,
and in order to do so the user must have Administrator rights.
2. Run the User manager for the user that is going to do the debugging.
Start | Programs | Administrative Tools (Common) | User Manager. On the Menu
bar select Policies | User Rights. Make sure the Show Advanced User Rights
box is checked. Hit the down arrow and scroll through the listing of the
different Rights, you should see what you need to add.
Give this user the following permissions:
Log on as a Service ???????
Act as part of the operating system ???????
Generate security audits ???????
3. You will need IIS to run as a process instead of a service. To do this
run the registry file labeled: Regproc.reg. This file will make the
necessary changes to you registry that makes IIS run as a process. The other
registry file: Regserv.reg, will undo the changes made by the previous
registry file.
Run as a Process: Regproc.reg (to be able to debug run this one)
Run as a Service: Regserv.reg (this will undo the previous reg setting)
4. Now stop these services and set them to manual: WWW publishing service,
FTP Service and IIS Admin.
5. Restart your computer.
6. Open Delphi and from the menu bar, select Project | Options -> Linker and
select Use Include remote debugger symbols option.
7. Now in Delphi, open the DLL project and use the following parameters:
Run: C:\Winnt\system32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
Parameters: -e w3svc